
Rosana Empowerment Foundation (REF)

Bauchi, Nigeria
Joined December 2023

Rosana Empowerment Foundation (REF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to instigating positive societal change, focusing on uplifting marginalized groups, particularly women, youth, and children.

Presence in: Nigeria
Focus: Children's Rights, Citizenship & Identification, Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Organizing, Community Paralegals, Criminal Justice, Disability Rights, Education, Environmental Justice, Ethnic / Religious Minorities' Rights, Family, Financial Sustainability & Fundraising, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Health, HIV/Aids, Housing Rights & Informal Settlements, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Labor & Employment, Legal Aid & Public Interest Law, Livelihoods, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Policy Advocacy, Protection & Safety, Refugees & Migrant Rights, Right to Information, Traditional / Customary Justice, Women's Rights

Rosana Empowerment Foundation (REF) is a non-profit, non-partisan, and non-governmental organization that seeks to engage in charitable activities that advance the social and economic wellbeing of the less priviledged (women, youth and children) through the promotion of sustainable healthcare, education, mentorship, and skills acquisition.

Vision: Rosana Empowerment Foundation (REF) envisions a society with equal rights and opportunities.

Mission: To ensure everyone has a fair chance to fit into society and use their talents to make a positive difference. We want to help people use their skills to change their attitudes for the better.

Core Values:


Thematic Areas:

Sustainable Health
Good Governance
Skills Acquisition
Mother and Child Protection

Core Values:

Rosana Empowerment Foundation (REF) operates with a strong set of core values that serve as the bedrock of our mission, guiding our efforts to enhance the well-being of women, children, and youth while fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. These values are aptly represented by the acronym “ROSANA” – Responsible (R), Organized (O), Supportive (S), Actual (A), Networking (N) and Accountability (A).