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A Reference Manual for Community Land Management Committees

This manual sets out a practical roadmap for how Community Land Management Committees (CLMCs) in Kenya can work with their ...

La protección del territorio de la laguna de Chichankanab en la península de Yucatán: Un caso de estudio sobre la construcción de poder comunitario

Este caso de estudio se centra en los esfuerzos de cinco ejidos que rodean la laguna de Chichankanab, en la ...

Paralegal Experiences with Citizenship Rights in Kenya

The stories in this publication are written by paralegals. It provides a platform for paralegals to reflect on the laws ...

How National Legislation Can Advance Carbon Justice: A Policy Toolkit

Robust national policies are critical to protecting community rights. National law and policy defines processes for land acquisition, community participation ...

The Protection of the Chichankanab Lagoon Territory in the Yucatán Peninsula: A case study on building community power

This case study focuses on the efforts of five ejidos surrounding the Chichankanab lagoon in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. These ...

Behind the Scenes of Extractives: Money, Power and Community Resistance

This is a course of six popular education exercises on ‘Investment chains in extractives projects.’ It was commissioned by the ...

Feminist Approaches to Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning

The Equality Fund, currently in a ‘design and build’ phase, is establishing and scaling three main programs: grant making, philanthropy, ...

Women’s leadership in environmental action

Women’s participation in environmental decision-making is important for advancing both gender equality and environmental action. The presence of women ...

Developing a Conflict Sensitivity, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Assessment Framework

Conflict Sensitivity (CS) and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) approaches aim to ensure that development interventions consider the different ...

Gender and Extractive Governance: Lessons from Existing Legal and Policy Frameworks

Greater gender equality accompanies economic advancement. However, in countries rich in oil, gas and minerals, economic advancement has not served ...

Land Empowers: A life-cycle look at how women’s and girls’ relationship to land can lead to transformation or discrimination

A person’s relationship to land is a key determinant of their wellbeing, identity, and influence across the world. Strengthening ...

HOW TO ADDRESS THE CORPORATE-COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT GAP: The Case for a Pooled Fund for Legal and Technical Support

This report explores the critical challenges of corporate-community engagement in land-based investments and proposes a solution to address these challenges ...

Grassroots Justice: Pathways to Systems Change

The starting point for legal empowerment is using the law to get concrete solutions to specific lived experiences of injustice. ...

Exclusion in Practice: A Human Rights Analysis on the Legal Barriers to Advancing Community Justice

This report is about community justice workers––their power, their promise, and the struggles they face in advancing justice for ...

Legal empowerment and defense of the territory in Magallanes: The case of resistance to the salmon industry

This report was developed by ONG FIMA’s empowerment and public participation team within the framework of an action research ...

Empoderamiento jurídico y defensa del territorio en Magallanes: El caso de la resistencia frente a la industria salmonera

Este informe fue elaborado por el equipo de empoderamiento y participación pública de ONG FIMA en el marco ...

Cómo diseñar e implementar un proyecto de investigación acción transformador en materia de género

Esta guía comparte recomendaciones prácticas para diseñar e implementar proyectos de investigación acción participativa transformadores ...

How To: Design and Implement a Gender-Transformative Action Research Project

This guide shares practical recommendations for designing and implementing gender-transformative participatory action research. Gender-transformative research is not just aware of ...

Report: How legal empowerment efforts are fighting repression and deepening democracy

Grassroots justice workers around the world face conditions of rising authoritarianism and closing civic spaces. In response to human rights ...

Resumen del debate: Mercados del carbono, naturaleza, derechos y justicia climática

Se está produciendo a gran velocidad una transformación histórica de los mercados de créditos y compensaciones de ...

Résumé de la discussion: Marchés du carbone, nature, droits et justice climatique

Une transformation historique et rapide des marchés de crédit nature et de compensation est en cours. Les estimations ...

Laporan Meja Bundar: Pasar Karbon, Alam, Hak, dan Keadilan Iklim

Saat ini sedang berlangsung transformasi pasar kredit alam dan penyeimbangan (offset) yang bersejarah dan cepat. Estimasi pertumbuhan pasar kredit alam ...

Roundtable Report: Carbon Markets, Nature, Rights and Climate Justice

A historic and rapid transformation of nature credit and offset markets is underway. Estimates of nature credit market growth vary ...

Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Self-determination: A Guide on Free, Prior and Informed Consent

Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is the first line of defense when investors and government officials seek to develop ...

Les lois foncières de la Sierra Leone de 2022

En septembre 2022, le président de la Sierra Leone a promulgué deux projets de loi sans précédent qui ...

Leyes de Tierras de Sierra Leona, 2022

En septiembre de 2022, el presidente de Sierra Leona sancionó dos leyes innovadoras que mejoran sustancialmente la capacidad de las comunidades ...

From rights to reality: Ensuring a rights-holder-centred application of the French Duty of Vigilance law

This report focuses on a case brought before French civil courts by members of the Unión Hidalgo community in ...

The Impact and Assessment of Improper Mine Closures in South Africa: Community Perspectives on Human Rights

This report by Network member Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) seeks to demonstrate improper mine closure in South Africa. The ...

Guía para la Atención y Prevención de Casos de Violencias hacia las Mujeres

La Guía para la Atención y Prevención de Casos de Violencias hacia las Mujeres fue elaborada por ...

Respecting Indigenous Rights: An Actionable Due Diligence Toolkit for Institutional Investors

In many regions across the world, Indigenous peoples are increasingly experiencing human rights violations, particularly in relation to the extractive, ...