The Grassroots Justice Network brings justice defenders together to connect, learn and act. We make grassroots justice a reality by putting the power of law in the hands of people. We dream of a world in which the communities most impacted by injustice can defend their rights and take part in making the decisions that affect them.

Who we are

We are a global community of over 16,400 members from 175 countries. We are justice defenders, activists and organizers, educators, public servants, students, and people with a passion for justice. We tackle a wide range of justice issues, from gender equality to land rights, housing discrimination, statelessness, pretrial detention, and much more. We live and work in solidarity with communities facing injustice.

While we come from different places, we are united by a common approach – a process known as legal empowerment. Through this process, we help communities to know, use, and shape the law, so that the people most impacted by injustice can exercise their rights and take part in decisions that affect their lives.

What we do

Across the globe, our members are working at the frontlines of struggles for justice, building power in communities where injustice and environmental destruction are concentrated. When we come together, each from our own context, we combine our knowledge and ideas and work as a united movement. As a collective, we gain the ability to unlock solutions to the biggest justice problems and build a world where justice for all is a reality.

Our guiding principles


We build power in communities so that people are able to exercise their rights and actively participate in governance and decision-making.


We use legal empowerment methods to achieve lasting, positive change in the face of inequality and discrimination. Together, we are building a more just and sustainable world.


Our members are part of a greater whole, where they strengthen, inspire, and protect each other. We invite a diversity of actors - from policymakers to the public - to join us as allies.

We celebrate successes and support each other through the hard times. We learn from one another through international exchanges, courses, research, and more. We work together to change norms and systems.