
Ijue Sheria Legal Aid Centre

Mazombe, Tanzania
Joined November 2017

Working within Tanzania mainland by providing legal aid, drafting of documents,(pleadings), research on different matters, mass campaign, mobile legal aid, this are done through donor support.

Presence in: Tanzania
Focus: Environmental Justice, Gender-based violence, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Labor & Employment, Livelihoods, Peace-building & Transitional Justice

IJUE SHERIA LAC  is an organization with neither political nor profit affiliation. This organization had been written and registered under the laws of Tanzania since 26th January, 2016. Before its registration the organization operated under the group of Ruaha University College (RUCO) scholars coming from different faculties such as law, business Administration, Health as well as education students in which all of them dedicated to use the name of LAW AND COMMUNITY (LACO) as the name of the group (unregistered group) since 2005. Among of the duties performed by the group (LACO) as the name proposed by Ruaha University College (RUCO) scholars were to educate the community on the realization of their rights and duties on the eyes of the law, providing the community with the tools (skills) on realizing and utilizing all the opportunities which surround them in which all of those duties were performed by way of seminars, mass campaigns, workshop and debates in different townships as well as villages within Iringa region as well as countrywide