
Rosa Care Organisation

Harare, Zimbabwe
Joined October 2023

Our Organisation works in Zimbabwe, Providing of services which empower women, girls, people with disability and those with long term health conditions to live the life of their choice

Presence in: Zimbabwe
Focus: Children's Rights, Disability Rights, Education, Gender-based violence, Health, HIV/Aids, Livelihoods, Women's Rights

Rosa Care Organisation’s was set up by concerned individuals to support and strengthen existing or budding community initiatives which focus on caring for orphans, empowerment of women, persons with disabilities and vulnerable children (adults), those with long term health conditions and carers to live the life of their choice and to reach their full potential.

Rosa Care Organisation core strength is its excellent understanding of the community it serves and its practical approach of finding solutions to problems within the community. This strength is derived from the fact that many of its staff members themselves come from the same vulnerable groups that ROSA targets.


To challenge and change attitudes so that society is fair and inclusive and everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and achieve their full potential, where a single child is an asset for the world.


Provision of services which empower women, girls, vulnerable children, people with disability and those with long term health conditions to live the life of their choice and to reach their full potential, and empowering the community with information and resources.


The motto that we live by is: ‘Touch a life and mend a heart.’ We are committed to leaving a lasting imprint on a child’s life. One that not only changes how they see themselves and the world around them but also the lives of their own children one day.


Promoting and providing relevant and quality services to persons with disabilities, women, orphans and vulnerable children, and enhancement of community development


  1. To provide educational support, medical care and psychosocial  support to vulnerable people
  2. To empower the vulnerable groups of people in development and implementation of community projects.
  • To provide assistive devices to people with disabilities.