
Civic Social Protection Foundation

Manyara, Tanzania
Joined June 2023

Vision CSP envisions “A Community which enjoys their rights and social wellbeing in Tanzania Mission Organization aspires to attain its vision through “preventing, managing, and overcoming situation

Presence in: Tanzania
Focus: Children's Rights, Community Paralegals, Education, Gender-based violence, HIV/Aids, Livelihoods, Policy Advocacy, Women's Rights

Civic Social Protection Foundation (CSP) is an individual membership organization drawn from different parts of Tanzania who has joined their efforts to fight for equity and equality among all citizens of Tanzania regardless of their social and economic status. The organization was established and adopted and being in fully operational in early 2007 as Manyara Region Civil Society Organizations (MACSNET) after which in 2019 amended the name to CSP to reflect amendments made to the NGO act in the same year 2019. where in the context of the amendments made to the NGPO act “Civil  Society” refers only to NGO and CBO while in the context of MACSNET and NGO act before amendment “Civil Society” means all Non-State actors including FBO’s, Trade unions, Private sector organizations, NGO’s and FBO’s.

statement of purpose


CSP envisions “A Community which enjoys their rights and social wellbeing in Tanzania”


Organization aspires to attain its vision through “preventing, managing, and overcoming situations that adversely affect people’s wellbeing in Tanzania”.

Aims and Objectives of CSP

An organization shall have the following aims and objective;

  1. To empower citizens to take decisions and actions which will protect their human right in order to realize just and peaceful society.
  2. To support community, promote sustainable agriculture in order to achieve food security, improve nutrition and end hunger.
  3. To undertake initiatives that promote citizens health particularly HIV/AIDS prevention for all ages particularly women, youth and children.
  4. To promote youth and women in undertaking sustainable economic development through creation of opportunities for self-employment particularly in agriculture.
  5. To advocate for National Policy Processes to effectively positively influence the lives of youth, women, children and elderly.