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Behind the Scenes of Extractives: Money, Power and Community Resistance

This is a course of six popular education exercises on ‘Investment chains in extractives projects.’ It was commissioned by the ...

Developing a Conflict Sensitivity, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Assessment Framework

Conflict Sensitivity (CS) and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) approaches aim to ensure that development interventions consider the different ...

Cómo diseñar e implementar un proyecto de investigación acción transformador en materia de género

Esta guía comparte recomendaciones prácticas para diseñar e implementar proyectos de investigación acción participativa transformadores ...

How To: Design and Implement a Gender-Transformative Action Research Project

This guide shares practical recommendations for designing and implementing gender-transformative participatory action research. Gender-transformative research is not just aware of ...

Report: How legal empowerment efforts are fighting repression and deepening democracy

Grassroots justice workers around the world face conditions of rising authoritarianism and closing civic spaces. In response to human rights ...

Securing Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Self-determination: A Guide on Free, Prior and Informed Consent

Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) is the first line of defense when investors and government officials seek to develop ...

Guía para la Atención y Prevención de Casos de Violencias hacia las Mujeres

La Guía para la Atención y Prevención de Casos de Violencias hacia las Mujeres fue elaborada por ...

Communities and Investor Contracts Guide

This guide has been developed to support communities and paralegals as they enter into and negotiate contracts with people and ...

Guía 2 de Negociación Comunidad-Inversor: Negociar Contratos con Inversores

Decidir si autorizar o no a un inversor a explotar las tierras y recursos naturales comunitarios constituye una de las ...

Guía 1 de Negociación Comunidad-Inversor: Prepararse con Antelación para Potenciales Inversiones

Decidir si autorizar o no a un inversor a explotar las tierras y recursos naturales comunitarios constituye una de las ...

Guide 2 de Negotiation Communauté-Investisseur: Négocier des Contrats Avec des Investisseurs

La décision de permettre ou non à un investisseur d’utiliser les terres et les ressources naturelles communautaires est l’...

Kenya’s Community Land Act and Climate Resilience: A Toolkit for Communities and Paralegals

For most rural and indigenous people in Kenya, land is their greatest asset — their source of food, water, and livelihoods, ...

Guide 1 de Negotiation Communauté-Investisseur: Se Préparer À L’Avance Pour de Potentiels Investisseurs

La décision de permettre ou non à un investisseur d’utiliser les terres et les ressources naturelles communautaires est l’...

Guía de capacitación para defensores y defensoras ambientales sobre el Acuerdo de Escazú

Tras décadas de esfuerzos encabezados por la sociedad civil, algunos gobiernos de la región y otros actores claves ...

Guía de organización y trabajo con promotoras y promotores jurídicos comunitarios

Este manual está concebido para servir como apoyo didáctico y para ser una guía de referencia de utilidad ...

Guide pour l’organisation et le travail avec des parajuristes communautaires

Ce manuel est conçu comme une aide à l’apprentissage et un guide de référence utile à l’intention ...

Effective Community Education Guidebook (Burmese language)

This Burmese-language resource guides paralegals in the provision of effective community education sessions.

Delivering Justice, Rigorously: A guide to people-centred justice programming

When injustices occur, people need effective redress. This report describes how people-centred justice services can be programmed systematically. It is ...

National Legal and Policy Assessment to Support the Ratification and Implementation of the Escazú Agreement

The objective of the “Escazú Agreement legal and policy assessment” is to assess gaps in national legislation and policy for ...

Fournir des services juridiques à distance: guide des technologies disponibles et des meilleures pratiques

Les prestataires de services juridiques (PSJ) sont souvent confrontés à des difficultés pour fournir des services juridiques efficaces à leurs ...


The Community Action Guide on What is Development? encourages communities to discover what development means for themselves, and to question ...


The Community Action Guide on What is Development? encourages communities to discover what development means for themselves, and to question ...

Guía de Acción Comunitaria: ¿Qué es el desarrollo?

La Guía de Acción Comunitaria ¿Qué es el Desarrollo? anima a las comunidades a descubrir qué significa el ...

Explainer on the Disaster Management Act 2005

This publication, developed by the Centre for Heath Equity, Law & Policy in collaboration with Justice Adda, provides short, and hopefully ...

Informação Essencial Sobre a Tuberculose & Direitos dos Pacientes (Essential Information About Tuberculosis & Patients’ Rights)

Este livrinho fornece aos leitores informações essenciais sobre a tuberculose; as políticas do Ministério da Saúde ...

Land Conversion, Social Impacts, and Legal Remedies in India: What’s Working?

Poor enforcement or non-compliance with environmental regulations by industrial activities, infrastructural development, and mining projects has profound implications.The affected ...

Segurança comunitária e território: Aspectos metodológicos sobre a defesa integral

O material que apresentamos nas próximas páginas é o resultado de vários anos de trabalho do Projeto de ...

Seguridad comunitaria y territorio: Apuntes metodológicos desde la defensa integral

El material que presentamos en las siguientes páginas es resultado del trabajo de varios años del Proyecto de ...

Community-based Security Measures and Territory: Methodological Notes from an Integral Defense Perspective

The material in the following pages is the result of several years of ProDESC’s work (ProDESC is the acronym ...

Cómo brindar servicios jurídicos de forma remota: una guía sobre el uso de tecnologías y buenas prácticas

Los proveedores de servicios jurídicos (Legal Servicios Providers, LSP) a menudo se enfrentan a desafíos a la hora ...