
Young Professionals for Development

Machakos, Kenya
Joined September 2023

YPD works in Kenya and its mission is to inform, empower and capacitate the youth through promoting innovativeness, creativity, intellectualism and leadership. All programs are youth centered.

Presence in: Kenya
Focus: Children's Rights, Education, Gender-based violence, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Health, HIV/Aids, Policy Advocacy, Women's Rights

YPD was formed in May 2003 at the 19th session of the UNHABITAT Governing Council in Gigiri, Nairobi. Colleagues present felt the realization of lack of early professional exposure and the need to consolidate gained experience for constructive participation in sustainable development, therefore, a need to venture on activities and development of the entire community. It’s registered as a non-profit making Non-Government Organization (NGO).

The Vision is to create an informed and responsible young generation which is constructive and progressive for sustainable development.

The mission is to inform, empower and capacitate the youth through promoting innovativeness, creativity, intellectualism and leadership.

The overall goal is to consolidate the young generation for participation in sustainable development.

The five main organizational values are solidarity, free will, engagement, commitment and transparency.

The main program activities entail health, entrepreneurship, ICT, Civic education, Youth champions mentorship, Human rights, Research and policy, education, policy advocacy, agriculture and environmental programs.

The organization works in partnership with other local organizations, partners as well as like minded networks.