
Women Rehabilitation and Development Association (WORDA)

Hargeisa, Somaliland
Joined September 2022

WORDA is one of the potential women organization that works in Somaliland to promote the target beneficiaries/community attainment of livelihood and social wellbeing through capacity building.

Presence in: Somaliland
Focus: Children's Rights, Gender-based violence, Livelihoods, Policy Advocacy

WORDA works towards empowering young women and youth through entrepreneurial skills for employment and economic promotion purposes.
To promote livelihoods of rural population through environmental conservation and introduction of sustainable agriculture techniques.

Advocacy for women’s participation in governance structures in local and national levels to access where they can voice their issues and concerns.
Local communities awareness particularly women on referral pathway and SGBV services available
Vision: WORDA envisages self-sustained and rights respected for all Somaliland citizens with no social and economic setbacks.

Mission: WORDA works towards changing lives of the vulnerable community in Somaliland by improving access to social services, human rights and livelihoods through action oriented. The management and administrative staff headed by the Executive Director are mandated to implement and run day to day activities of the organization. They have different designations and roles that complements each other for achieving intended goals of the organization.