Women and Law in Southern African Research and Education Trust (WLSA) Zimbabwe started as a local Chapter of a sub-regional network in 1989. WLSA is now registered and operates as Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) in Zimbabwe. The network member countries include Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zambia. The purpose of the network is to contribute to sustained well-being of women and girl children through action-oriented research in the socio-legal field and advocating for women’s rights. WLSA work incorporates action into research by questioning and challenging the law, instigating campaigns for changes in laws, policies and plans of action, educating women and girls about their rights, providing legal advice and gender sensitizing communities and leadership. Our vision is ‘A society where justice is equitably accessed, claimed and enjoyed by women and girls in all spheres of life.’ Our mission is ‘to organize, coordinate and support evidence based interventions that promote and protect women and girls’ rights through legal and policy reform and changes to discriminatory socio-cultural and economic practices.’