Women and Children Health Organization (WCHO) is a Faith Based and Women Led Non-Profit, National Non-Governmental Organization committed to working with partners to find lasting solutions in ending gender inequality and discrimination, so that all people can access Justice, Health services, Education, Gender Empowerment and Child Protection (GBV/CP), Food Security and livelihood, Nutrition, WASH, Peace Building, Governance and Community Security including Sustainable Environmental Protection, especially women and children including persons with disability in order for them to reach their full potential in life.
Women and Children Health organization (WCHO) was founded in April 2018 by a group of philanthropic, professionals with diverse educational backgrounds and vast working experiences in emergency and development humanitarian innovations, who want to create impact on the health and wellbeing of women and children with inclusivity of persons with disability and sustainable environment they live in.
Women and Children Health organization (WCHO) believes that child survival is vital not only through the initial birth, but also includes on-going access to preventive healthcare, sanitation, nutrition, and education to save a life, and make it last.
The organization got fully registered as NNGO with South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) in February 2020 with REG NO: 2728.