
Somali Humanitarian Organization (SHO)

Mogadishu, Somalia
Joined May 2022

To offer well thought out and precise solutions that focus on problem at hand by continuously focusing on environmental sound interventions, equity, health,Good G, justice, democracy and Human R.

Presence in: Somalia
Focus: Children's Rights, Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Organizing, Community Paralegals, Criminal Justice, Disability Rights, Education, Environmental Justice, Ethnic / Religious Minorities' Rights, Family, Financial Sustainability & Fundraising, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Health, HIV/Aids, Housing Rights & Informal Settlements, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Labor & Employment, Legal Aid & Public Interest Law, Livelihoods, Other, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Policy Advocacy, Protection & Safety, Refugees & Migrant Rights, Right to Information, Traditional / Customary Justice, Women's Rights

Somali Humanitarian Organization (SHO) Is a Non-political, Non- profit seeking Organization, It is a

Community Development Institution working for the humanitarian in

the emergency situations and post-emergency recovery and

reconstruction programs.