
Sharing Strategies

London, United Kingdom
Joined May 2023

network of change-makers committed to sharing strategic insights, inspiration and impactful opportunities to crack the climate poly-crises.

Presence in: South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
Focus: Community Organizing, Financial Sustainability & Fundraising, Policy Advocacy

The Who

A diverse network of change-makers committed to sharing strategic insights, inspiration and impactful specific opportunities to crack the crises of climate, covid, conflicts and inequalities and achieve our Sustainable Development Goals. We co-operate across 3 workstreams: advocacy, financing and delivery.

The Why

We face an unprecedented series of concurrent crises – of covid, conflicts, climate and inequalities. To crack these crises, we must break out of old ways of working, escape siloed thinking and structures and partner strategically to avert climate catastrophe and achieve our shared Sustainable Development Goals.

The What

As a trusted, neutral platform, Sharing Strategies is a network of leading change-makers from advocates, think tanks, local leaders, global civil society groups,  international organisations, the private sector and philanthropic foundations. After regular convening, the sharing strategies network has organised itself into three workstreams – advocating, financing and delivering.