
Sengwer of Embobut Community Based Organization (SEECBO)

Kapyego, Embobut- Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
Joined June 2022

The mission of the CBO is to secure the Sengwer indigenous people's rights to inhabit, govern, manage and own their ancestral lands in Embobut Forest

Presence in: Kenya
Focus: Children's Rights, Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Organizing, Community Paralegals, Disability Rights, Education, Environmental Justice, Gender-based violence, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Livelihoods, Policy Advocacy

The Sengwer of Embobut Community Based Organization (SEECBO) was registered in Kenya on the 10th of October 2014, with the office of the Sub-County Social Development Officer (SCSDO) as a Community Based Organization through registration certificate No. MKTE/DSS/CBO/04/14. The Organization was founded in the wake of serious human rights violations meted out against our people who were being forcefully evicted from their ancestral land in Embobut. The mission of the CBO is to secure the Sengwer indigenous people’s rights to inhabit, govern, manage and own their ancestral lands in Embobut while participating in the protection and promotion of their culture and environment as well as enhancing access to high-quality education and health services.
Our long term goal is to be able to live in our ancestral land peacefully and be able to conserve our forest and natural resources for future generations and the rest of the world.
Range of Activities:
Our work is divided into seven pillars:
• Land Rights Advocacy and Litigation
• Human Rights Advocacy
• Environment and Conservation
• Education and Health
• Stakeholder Engagement and Public Advocacy
• Culture and Language Documentation
• Community Livelihood Support