Activities of the SAARC Human Rights Foundation:
The main objective of all members of the SAARC Human Rights Foundation is to create awareness among the common people for establishing human rights against injustice, torture, oppression, corruption and irregularities of the society of country. The principal objectives of this foundation are as follows, providing legal Aid, protesting against domestic violence, child labour and establishing the right of workers. The following activities are performed by every brunch and all member of this foundation including the participation in this organization’s activities, by reporting the human rights violations with the help of the administration, solving problems of the poor people of the society through arbitration, human rights violations, irregularities, corruption cases and neutral investigations of corruption.
Moreover, the following functions are accomplished by this foundation such as, identifying national and regional incidents pertaining to irregularities, oppression and other volitions to file writ petition and other suits by the help of learned lawyers. Arranging proper training relating to human rights by the assistance of experienced and skilled individuals, publishing monthly magazines, arranging subject oriented seminars, discussion meetings, publishing research-based articles, self-oriented project, election monitoring and other functions and programs relating to natural disaster.