RightsNow Pakistan is a local civil society initiative, governed by a vibrant Board of Directors consists of renowned human rights lawyers, journalists, development activist and other civil society actors, who are striving for the positive change in the society and are concerned about the current situation of human rights and human security.
The purpose of establishing RightsNow Pakistan is to establish an educated, just, well informed society that respects dissent, human rights and act rationally and nonviolently. Currently the situation of human rights in Pakistan is abysmally alarming. Security situation for lawyers, journalists and ordinary citizens is deteriorating. Since 2001, more than 35 journalists have lost lives in Pakistan. 12 Lawyers have been killed recent Karachi violence. Thousands of innocent and peace loving Pakistanis have lost their lives in different violent incidents across the country.
For improving the level of security and human rights situation in Pakistan, RightsNow Pakistan believes that sincere and dedicated efforts need to be taken by the citizens and civil society to support the willing State to reduce the violence and protect human rights. Elimination of violence and improvement in human rights is possible only by building the capacity of State institutions, individuals and civil society actors who use tested nonviolent strategies. Education of people on basic humane values like nonviolence, tolerance, pluralism, respect for dissent and human rights is necessary. Promotion of citizen journalism is an area or tool which people of Pakistan can use for the monitoring, documentation of human rights and achievement of fair and speedy just. Once people are educated and sensitized on human and equal rights, immense respect for people’s rights, space for democratic dialogue will be created and accommodation for dissent will be promoted.