Pakistan Legal United Society (PLUS) is a not-for-profit organization registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, Sindh Pakistan. It was established under the supervision of Mr. Altaf Khoso in the month of July 2020. PLUS is to provide access to legal aid across the spectrum and prioritizes its support to women, men, transgender, persons with disabilities and children living in poverty, or facing discrimination. Alongside pro bono legal services, the organizations undertakes strategic litigation, and public interest litigation, as a key part of its advocacy for law and policy reforms to ensure effective legal protection of rights.
PLUS provides Pro Bono Legal Services to poor and needy people. PLUS conducts Awareness sessions with different communities on different laws with aim to aware them about their basic rights. PLUS conducts Capacity Building Trainings to sensitize staff of different organizations like as police officials, Lawyers , Musicological officers and others. PLUS file representation before different judicial forums of different people. PLUS give advices online and physically who approach us or refer by any department. Plus Run Vocational Training and Rehabilitation center inside the jail to rehabilitee inmates and women prisoners. we offers certified courses like as Fine Arts , CIT , mental health and sports. PLUS is one of leading organization in society .