Mission: Protect the natural capital – land, water, forest and agriculture- from the intrude of exploitative market economy, to ensure the food sovereignty for the most vulnerable communities of Indian society, being vigilant to the anti-people policies of the state and also promote pro-people policies through building viable forums and platforms of deprived communities from class, caste, gender and human rights perspective.
NISARGA being gross root level organization strongly advocate for the implementation of comprehensive genuine agrarian reforms to the subaltern communities, includes Dalits (ex-untouchables) & Adivasis (indigenous people) and rural poor vulnerable women, to get access & control over agriculture lands and due share in common property resources to sustain their livelihood with social dignity. This set of missions recognizes the complementarities in realization of the vision. Its achievement is determined by empowerment of rights holders and responsible collaboration of duty bearers, given their role in violation and denial – requiring them to express solidarity and participate in people’s struggles. Cooperation and collective work sharing – requiring us to seek clarification, mutual sharing of information, consulting others and extending support at times of trouble. Diversity – ability to visualize issues from multi dimensions and dynamics- respect for diverse socio, cultural and political aspects of life. Respecting each other – reflected in respecting the difference and in active listeningConcern towards and solidarity with struggles of Dalits and Adivasis – concentration on work and willingness to take risksConviction to achieve and courage to face risks – empathy and confidence to achieveGender equity – synergy in personal life and acknowledging equal opportunitySecular – tolerance of other faiths and ethics of delinking religious faith from the work – requiring us to challenge these institutions for their anti-poor exclusionary practices.