Justice Hive is a non-profit organization based in Kampala, Uganda focusing on access to justice and human rights issues within the East African region. Its projects are geared towards improving access to justice, space for human rights as well as enhancing the rule of law. The organization is composed of young professionals with a passion to improve the performance of justice systems of the various countries within the East African region.
In execution of its work, Justice Hive works with various state institutions and civil society actors in the Justice Law and Order Sectors including the State Police, the Judiciary, the office of Director for Public Prosecution, Prisons and other stakeholder institutions in the justice sector.
Justice Hive is a nonprofit entity that heavily relies on charitable support.
A Board of Directors headed by an Executive Director (ED) who coordinates the everyday functioning of the organization with the help of support staff. Other members of the board are not everyday employees of the organization and sit once a month in a board meeting to make resolutions on the general administration of the organization. The board of directors can also hold special meetings once a need arises. It is composed of the founding members of the organization and or other persons appointed by the members in a general meeting.
This is mandated to advise the board of directors on the general affairs of the organization. It is composed of a Chairperson and other two members. The advisory board is appointed by the board of directors from among reputable members of the public.
The Support staff is composed of the everyday employees as may be appointed by the board of directors from time to time. This also includes consultants that the board of directors may identify to support the implementation of the organization’s work when the need arises.