Internews works to ensure access to trusted, quality information that empowers people to have a voice in their future and to live healthy, secure, and rewarding lives. We envision a world where everyone can communicate freely with anyone, anywhere, and exchange the news and information they need to shape their communities and the world.
For close to 35 years and in more than 100 countries, we have worked with our local partners to build hundreds of sustainable organizations, strengthened the capacity of thousands of media professionals, human rights activists, and information entrepreneurs, and reached millions of people with quality, local information, improving lives and building lasting change. Our decentralized and entrepreneurial model gives us the local flexibility to find the best solutions and the nimbleness required to work in a rapidly changing, uncertain and complex world. On issues ranging from health and the environment to conflict and governance, Internews has developed approaches that harness the power of media and information to create positive change.
Internews is a non-profit organization operating internationally, with administrative centers in California, Washington DC, London and Paris, as well as regional hubs in Bangkok and Nairobi. Formed in 1982, Internews currently has offices in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and North America. Internews Network and Internews Europe operate cooperatively with independent boards of directors.