Vision :
1. Play an active role in equality and strengthening the Indonesian economy through socio-economic empowerment.
2. Participating in creating Indonesia as more inclusive by integrating technology in the social life using a holistic approach.
Mission :
1. To be a transparent zakat and donation agency that helps poor elderly people who work in the informal sector. To strive to get these elders to have better livelihood through the support of micro-businesses and larger markets.
2. Forming friendly and inclusive communities for the elderly and people with disabilities at the RT / RW and / or banjar level.
3. Develop partnerships with local and international communities, companies, government and non – government organizations.
4. Being a social and technology based online platform that has integrity and creates trends, as well as helping others to create better lives for all.
5. Inviting life-cycle based care, namely the care of each generation of people to prepare themselves to become an elder.
The vision and mission were later in 3 main programs, namely:
1. Help micro businesses for the elderly and people with disabilities
2. Empowering volunteer communities
3. Empowering the elderly and people with disabilities community