
Green Innovation for People and Nature

Kumasi, Winneba, Ghana
Joined July 2024

Our work includes; community involvement in environmental governance leadership youth education on wetlands, and promoting environmental research among young people.

Presence in: Ghana
Focus: Community Organizing, Environmental Justice, Livelihoods, Other

Our objective is to promote sustainable livelihood in an equitable and diverse approach through youth leadership, community engagement, and youth-led research. We pattern our works following the sustainable livelihood framework. The SLA models suggest that the capabilities, assets, and activities required for a way of life are referred to as one’s livelihood. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks, as well as maintain or improve its capabilities and assets now and in the future, without compromising the natural resource base. We focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation implementation in rural and urban poor communities. We are keen on ending all forms of unsustainable livelihood, especially in wetlands-based communities.