Golden Gate Institute is a youth-owned and run NPO. It is registered in terms of Companies Act, (Act No. 71 of 2008), and in terms of Nonprofit Organization Act, (Act No.71 of 1997).
The Institute administers a variety of programs, which are funded through sponsorship by various donors, ranging from the state, businesses, private persons and other big NPO’s (Trusts, Foundations, et al).
These programs include but not limited to community programs, research, institutional development, financial resource development, amongst others.
The institute is aimed at building a capacitated youth academically, economically and socially through community development programs/projects, youth mentoring amongst others and these are done through research as a main driver. These are achieved through partnering with various and best organization in all spheres i.e. national and international, and using available resources for the betterment of our people.
We are guided by our vales framework is speaks unto ethical conduct, professionalism and ubuntu. We define ethical conduct as integrity and accountability. Professionalism as excellence and performance. And we further define Ubuntu as compassion and respect.