
Geo-Environmental Research Agency for Development (GERAD-LIBERIA, INC.)

Ganta, Liberia
Joined June 2023

MISSION: To empower desirous youths, women, girls, and famers through advocacy, education, livelihood, and agricultural programs (including skills training and other capacity building programs).

Presence in: Liberia
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Organizing, Community Paralegals, Disability Rights, Education, Environmental Justice, Ethnic / Religious Minorities' Rights, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Livelihoods, Policy Advocacy, Right to Information, Women's Rights


Working effectively to solve many environmental problems, GERAD-LIBERA, INC. is a nongovernmental, Nonpolitical, and nonreligious organization established in 2016 and legally registered with the Government of Liberia through the Liberian Business Registry in said year, with Sectoral Clearance been obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National NGO Accreditation Certificate obtained from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) 1000 LBR, including Unique Entity Identification Number (UEI) from SAM.GOV. GERAD-Liberia is a member of the “Global Network for Disaster Reduction” (GNDR), and a registered member of the “UN PARTNER PORTAL, as well UN CSOs NETWORK”.

GERAD-LIBERIA was established by potential Liberians with vision aimed to alleviate environmental hazard such as: Conflicts in Land use, Conservation and Biodiversity (forest management), Research, data collection, and statistics, Promote conservation/climate smart farming (Integrated Agriculture), Environmental friendliness (environmental protection and disaster risk management), ground water contamination and control (hygiene practices), climate change, Advocacy and rule of law on Human Rights, Environmental rights and policies, Education, and to decrease poverty and global warming etc…

The Agency have worked with national and international NGOs and  other CSO in the areas of advocacy on Human rights, environmental rights and policies, education, awareness raising, agriculture (conservation farming), conservation and bio-diversity (forest management), Peace building and conflict resolution, community sensitization and social mobilization, water sanitation (hygiene practices) with reflect methodologies on community development (environmental protection and disaster risk management), and as well as poverty reduction and global warming.