
Fundación Pro Bono de Venezuela, ProVene.

Caracas, Venezuela
Joined March 2017

In the ProBono Venezuela Foundation (Provene) we have as mission to provide free legal advice and promote research and training regarding the legal and legislative issues currently facing the country.

Presence in: Venezuela
Focus: Citizenship & Identification, Community / Customary Land Rights, Family, Generalist Legal Services, Right to Information, Women's Rights

Venezuela is currently experiencing one of the greatest economic, political and social crises in its modern history, and the needs in all areas of society are endless, it was for this reason that as young university students we decided to collaborate from our area of ​​action and give a Hand to combat the legal, access to justice and human rights crisis in our country, providing first of all free legal advice in low-income communities, where Venezuelans can not afford legal services because of their high prices and They are a priority, which is why we decided to bring the free legal service directly to the communities. As such, and aware that access to justice and the protection of human rights goes beyond mere legal aid, we expand our scope of action, develop new laws, litigate cases of public interest, and carry out Research and legal opinions, which contribute to understanding and advancing as a society, to a more just and equitable society from our radius of action.