Football Without Boarders Kenya was for the last fours years has been in the forefront of empowering women economically,socially and politically. Some of the ways it has been empowering women include:
1.Education-it is the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge,skills and self confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process.
2.Elimination of violence against women.
3.Eliminating discriminatory practices employees against women,such as those based on proof of contraceptives use or pregnancy status.
4.Adoption of appropriate measures to improve women’s ability to earn income beyond traditional occupations,achieve economic self reliance and ensure women’s equal access to the labour ,market and social security systems.
5.Establishment of mechanisms for women’s equal participation and equitable representation at all levels of the political process this enables women to articuticulare their concerns and needs.
In addition ,FWBK has been also in the forefront of addressing issues Affecting the communities in relation to the female empowerment. For example;lack of access to resources,discriminatory societal norms,Unequal domestic responsibilities,Gender Based Violence,Access to Education,Reproductive Health and Rights,Maternal Health,Child marriage,Female Genital Mutilation,Water and sanitation and Gender Equality.
FWBK in partneship with United Nation are working hand in hand to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals are fully achieved by 2030.For example,FWBK has an initiative called Football4agriculture in this initiative youths are trained on how to carry out productive and sustainable farming within their communities.
Besides that FWBK has partnered with Inspire Teenage Foundation operating in Machakos county.