We’re a Justice Navigator, Civil Society Organization that’s driven by a vision of Free and Equally Rights For all People in Africa and beyond. Our mandate as organization that operates in the target of all the AU member countries in the strategic priority agenda that’s to ensure Human Rights International Treaties are ratified in Africa and Serve justice to the fullest of Human individual regardless of their Gender Variant and Sex. To ensure that state Actors do actively response to Human Rights Violations cases of Gender Variant People within human rights approach that can sustain their rights to life, rights to self expression,and right to equally treatment in all government public space. To ensure that human rights are sustained we provide civic rights training , human rights transparency workshop ,Justices advocacy and Human Rights dialogue. The objective of Equality Rights Africa Organization cover diverse interest to respond to the issue affecting the most marginalized community in Africa and mostly Woman and LGBTI People. How do we reach our promise target? ; we collect people ideas, dreams, demands and we effectively evaluate them for serious impact they can have on human rights for a better improved living, a better safety and Sustainable Health lifestyle with access to affordable services. Through our programing we create Progress Mapping Scale (PMS) this is the most weighing capacity of work we have to do in order to achieve the progress we aim to reach in the most changeling situation such as covid19 Pandemic and Human Rights Conflict. Our Progress Mapping Scale prioritize identified area that require immediate intervention such Human Rights Conflict target Woman and LGBTI, Legal Protection absenteeism from state, asylums seekers denied entry for a safety purpose. We incorporate research based evidence in implementation of all projects and program to ward improving human rights justices safety for all African Woman’s.