Entrepreneur Empowerment and Advocacy-Health (EEA-H), founded in 2019 by Isoke Kennedy Baguma, a young immigration lawyer, supports ITGNC (Intersex, Transgender, and Gender Non-Conforming) individuals fleeing Uganda after the “Kill the Gays” bill of 2014 and the recent Anti Homosexuality Act 2023. Operating mainly in Kajiado County, Kenya, EEA-H has reached nearly 250 asylum seekers and refugees, providing vital services to help them rebuild their lives.
Under the leadership of Joseph Sseruwagi, an LGBTQ+ human rights activist and inclusive evangelist, EEA-H has grown significantly. His dedication and expertise have been essential in expanding the organization’s impact and implementing its programs.
EEA-H’s core initiatives include:
1. Safe Housing: Providing secure shelter for ITGNC individuals during their asylum process.
2. Mental Health Support: Offering counseling and psychosocial services to address the effects of trauma and displacement.
3. Advocacy: Promoting the rights of ITGNC asylum seekers and refugees, raising awareness about their challenges, and advocating for supportive policies.
4. Legal Aid: Assisting with legal issues related to the asylum process and other legal challenges.
5. Socio-Economic Skilling: Implementing programs like poultry farming to help individuals gain practical skills and achieve financial independence.
6. Emergency Food Distribution: Providing food supplies to ensure access to essential nutrition.
7. Sexual and Reproductive Health: Offering sensitization programs to support health management.
8. Safety and Security Training: Training individuals on how to protect themselves in hostile environments.
9. Regional Support Network: Establishing focal persons in various regions to enhance support systems.
EEA-H is committed to empowering ITGNC asylum seekers and refugees, helping them overcome challenges and thrive in their new environment.