Drug-free and Preventive Healthcare Organization(DAPHO) can be traced to the desire; “Increased productivity and welfare among supported, capacitated, healthy, and socially included people, who are affected by drugs and drug use.”. The core focus of the organization is improved healthcare through health interventions in the area of Substance Abuse, Sexual Reproductive Health, and preventive healthcare using the human rights approach to its interventions. The Organization was formed in 2013 as Council for Non-Violence Initiative and formally registered in June 2015 as Drug Free and Preventive Healthcare Organization (DAPHO).
In the pursuit of intervention for Substance Abuse, Sexual Reproductive Health, and preventive healthcare using the human rights approach, we were motivated by the need to;
a. Reduce the incidence of drug use
b. Promote Harm reduction
c. Promote reproductive health and rights.
d. Promote preventive healthcare especially; sexually transmitted Infections, and other incidental/opportunistic infections.
e. Collaborate with organizations (International, National and local) to provide treatment for community members with health challenges.
f. Provide care and support services to community members.
g. Promote engagement of community members as a means to reduction of harms of drug use.
h. Promote information sharing among community members on productive opportunities.
i. Use any other strategy which may be deemed to provide care for and promote productive engagement among community members.