Crowd2Map Tanzania is a crowdsourced mapping project aiming to put rural Tanzania on the map. Since 2015, we have been adding schools, hospitals, roads, buildings and villages to OpenStreetMap, an open source map available to all, with the help of over 3000 volunteers worldwide and 200 on the ground in Tanzania. With minimal budget and no staff we have so far added over 1.8 million buildings and mapped over 70,000 sq kilometres. In June we were awarded a microgrant by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap to train community mappers in 8 areas of Tanzania, and presented a community webinar for them. We have also been featured on Al Jazeera, The Guardian and Missing Maps. We have also set up a Youthmappers Chapter at the Institute of Rural Development and Planning in Mwanza and Dodoma. There is an update of our project here
The mapping is in two phases – firstly online volunteers trace roads and buildings from satellite images such as in these tasks then volunteers on the ground add names of villages, offices, churches, shops and other points of interest using a free smartphone app Maps.Me. We then produce printable maps of villages, wards etc. We are also organising a 2 day mapping training event in Dar es Salaam in early December.