The Cooperative Agency for Research and Development (CARD), previously called: Cooperative Agency for Development (CAD); from Research on Community Challenges and Development (ROCCAD), which is now served as a Research Program under CARD, was formed and registered respectively in 2014, and in 2019 with Registrar- General and Social Welfare Departments of Ghana in Accra. The principal activity of which ROCCAD was formed is, support for the Vulnerable/Marginalized people/Community Advocacy in the fields of Education, Health, Agriculture, Environment, Water & Sanitation, Human Rights, Gender Equality, Youth Mobilization & Training, Good Governance and Peace. The vision is to provide quality education, train, develop and build sound institutional framework in communities through resource mobilizations to meet target objectives of promoting the value and utilization of local resources for sustainable development, by producing morally upright, sound and responsible people capable of contributing their quota to the development of their respective communities and the nation at large. CARD has 9 Board of Directors (BoD), 9 management Team (MT), 9-community Development Committees(CDC) and 9-Community Development Agents (CDAs) at the grassroots level for collective responsibility towards achieving sustainable development. CARD has its offices in Chereponi District as the headquarters and a branch in Tamale.