
Community Action for Sustainable Development Sierra Leone – CASD-SL

Bo, Sierra Leone
Joined October 2023

CASD-SL is a civil Society organization this is registered and operate in Sierra Leone. It main goal is to promote justice and eradicate poverty through the empowerment of women, girls and youth.

Presence in: Sierra Leone
Focus: Children's Rights, Gender-based violence, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Women's Rights

We are Civil Society Organization ( CSO) that is dedicated to promoting women, girls and youth’s empowerment and rights through advocay, awarness raising and capacity building, workin with communities and institutions, state and non-state actors to address inequality, discrimination and vulnerablity impeding women, girls and youth full participation in the  social, cultural,economic and political spheres of life. Our key areas of intervention includes Promotion and access to justice,Gender based Violenece  Prevention, the  Male engagement Engagement Strategic, Economic empowerment for women and Education and Training for building the potential of women.