We envision a society where vulnerable children, youth and women live happy lives with a mission of promoting socio-economic transformation through promoting access to Health, education, child protection, economic security and stability, food security and nutrition and advocacy cuts across all Core Program Areas.
We do Prevention of Violence Against Children, Adolescents and Women in homes, schools and communities through parenting for respectability approach developed by Child Health and Development Centre (CHDC) Makerere University.
We empower women economically through VSLA and financial literacy training, promote women’s leadership and access to Land and advocate for land ownership rights.
We also train Peer Educators who man safe spaces for Adolescents through life skills curriculum modules and promote Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights for Girls and young people.
We strengthen community health systems through comprehensive HTS outreaches for the prevention of HIV/TB, GBV and Malaria. We also implement WASH activities like in areas of safe and clean water through renovation and repair of boreholes and community sensitization on proper hygiene and sanitation. Food security and nutrition through climate smart agriculture
We do CIVIC Education and advocacy on gender equality, land usage and ownership, child rights, women’s empowerment among others.
In all our core program areas Advocacy and psychosocial support is cross-cutting