Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) is a regional justice and rights organization based in Jakarta. We work in contexts where mass violations have taken place to strengthen justice and rights initiatives.
Presence in:
Australia, Bangladesh, East Timor, Indonesia, Myanmar
AJAR is a non-profit human rights organisation whose core mandate is to prevent and seek just solutions for mass human rights violations in the Asia Pacific region. AJAR’s headquarters is in Jakarta, with programs in Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and the Solomon Islands. AJAR also conducts Asia regional programs and events, provides technical assistance, and contributes to international initiatives on victims’ rights, justice, and accountability. AJAR has a strong focus on assisting survivors of serious rights abuses and contributing to gender justice initiatives.
AJAR achieves its goals through:
trainings, exchanges, and strengthening networks to increase the knowledge and capacity ofsurvivors, human rights defenders, and government officials;
undertaking research to establish and share the truth concerning mass human rightsviolations. As part of this work AJAR has developed unique participatory methods where victims are not the ‘objects’ of researchers, but take an active part in processes that include self-healing and empowerment;
utilising the results of our research in advocacy to national, regional, and international organisations such as the United Nations;
increasing popular, broad-based understanding of human rights, justice, tolerance, gender balance, etc. through use of mass media. This has included creating popular television series with human rights themes in Myanmar and Timor-Leste, producing documentaries, recording rights-related music, and social media campaigns.
contributing to the empowerment of women survivors and human rights defenders so that their voices have an increased impact on policy and practice.