AFNEED is legally registered in Kenya as Not For Profit Non Governmental Organization. AFNEED has been in operation since 2014 with main activities in the counties of Muranga, Kiambu, Nairobi, Nakuru, Baringo and Kisii. Key activity areas have been information empowerment on identification of quality farming inputs, supporting food security through millet farming, sanitary pads to women and girls out of school, income generating activities on poultry farming and table banking, environment conservation through planting fruit trees and wind breaking trees and live fences. AFNEED reach target groups through local women groups, church groups, farmers common interest groups. AFNEED also collaborate with local authorities, schools parent associations, private sector groups working in target areas, other NGOs, CBOs, among others. Resources to undertake the activities are sourced from individual contributions and well wishers. Demand for our support by needy communities have been high and beyond our ability and we trust networks as this will help build our capacity.