Report: How legal empowerment efforts are fighting repression and deepening democracy

AI illustration of a crowd of people standing in the streets of an unnamed city, holding signs that read messages of solidarity. The title at the bottom of the page reads, "How legal empowerment efforts are fighting repression and deepening democracy"

Grassroots justice workers around the world face conditions of rising authoritarianism and closing civic spaces. In response to human rights abusers using strikingly similar tactics (the “playbook of repression”), this report outlines a “playbook of justice,” compiling effective strategies that grassroots justice workers are using to respond. Drawing on roundtable discussions with Network members and insights from across the field, this report demonstrates that the work of grassroots justice workers is essential, not only to counter repression, but to advance a deeper version of democracy, where communities have the power to shape the decisions that affect their lives.

Uploaded on: Jun 21, 2024
Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025
Author: Poorvi Chitalkar
Issues: Protection & Safety, Repression and Closing Civic Spaces Tool Type: Manuals & Guides, Reports / Research, Training Resources & Popular Education Languages: English Evaluation Method: Focus group discussions