The Handbook contains a historical background to the land tenure systems, the characteristics and modes of acquisition of the different land tenure systems; including issues of compulsory acquisition and compensation, land rights protection for different categories of persons ranging from women to ethnic minorities in Uganda and the different forms of land transactions. The Handbook also looks at the land administration system in Uganda and it provides a number of sample forms that can be easily utilized by CSOs and CBOs to assist the communities in which they work. It is hoped that CSOs and CBOs will use it to resolve and mitigate conflicts relating to land in a manner that shows sensitivity to the cross-cutting themes of gender, youth, population, anti-corruption and oil production.
This Handbook can be adapted and modified to suit a number of aims:
SAFE intends that this Handbook should be used hand-in-hand with the Program’s Community Legal Volunteers Manual, which contains detailed information on Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms, and land justice including formal and 8 informal mechanisms.