A Cost Benefit Analysis of Legal Aid in Kenya

Existing evidence across the globe suggest that legal aid services contribute positively to socio-economic development. In particular, legal services should be viewed alongside other social services provided to citizens by government such as education, health, and even infrastructure development.

Arising from a dearth of empirical evidence on the benefits that accrue from legal aid services, this cost-benefits analysis was conducted to ascertain the context of the legal aid services in Kenya, the policy and institutional frameworks obtaining, salient legal aid issues, risks associated with provision of legal aid services, and to make recommendations including for monitoring and evaluation of legal aid services provision.

Data was collected from published sources as well as through interviews with key informants complemented by benchmarking best practices of legal service provision from other jurisdictions.

Year Published: 2022
Uploaded on: Jun 15, 2022
Issues: Legal Aid & Public Interest Law, Policy Advocacy Tool Type: Laws, Policies & Legal Analysis, Policy Papers / Briefs, Reports / Research Method: Research Languages: English Regions: Kenya