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Grassroots Justice: Pathways to Systems Change

The starting point for legal empowerment is using the law to get concrete solutions to specific lived experiences of injustice. ...

Cómo diseñar e implementar un proyecto de investigación acción transformador en materia de género

Esta guía comparte recomendaciones prácticas para diseñar e implementar proyectos de investigación acción participativa transformadores ...

How To: Design and Implement a Gender-Transformative Action Research Project

This guide shares practical recommendations for designing and implementing gender-transformative participatory action research. Gender-transformative research is not just aware of ...

Six Recommendations for Advancing Justice for All

On the 10th Anniversary of the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, coinciding with the 73rd session of the ...

Communities and Investor Contracts Guide

This guide has been developed to support communities and paralegals as they enter into and negotiate contracts with people and ...

Guía 2 de Negociación Comunidad-Inversor: Negociar Contratos con Inversores

Decidir si autorizar o no a un inversor a explotar las tierras y recursos naturales comunitarios constituye una de las ...

Guía 1 de Negociación Comunidad-Inversor: Prepararse con Antelación para Potenciales Inversiones

Decidir si autorizar o no a un inversor a explotar las tierras y recursos naturales comunitarios constituye una de las ...

Citizenship and Nationality Rights Case Digest

The Citizenship and Nationality Rights Case Digest is a compilation and analysis of cases from Kenya and all over the ...

The Role of Legal Empowerment Groups in Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa During the Pandemic

The widespread national lockdowns, introduced from March 2020 in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, exacerbated gender inequality and led ...

Guide 2 de Negotiation Communauté-Investisseur: Négocier des Contrats Avec des Investisseurs

La décision de permettre ou non à un investisseur d’utiliser les terres et les ressources naturelles communautaires est l’...

Kenya’s Community Land Act and Climate Resilience: A Toolkit for Communities and Paralegals

For most rural and indigenous people in Kenya, land is their greatest asset — their source of food, water, and livelihoods, ...

Guide 1 de Negotiation Communauté-Investisseur: Se Préparer À L’Avance Pour de Potentiels Investisseurs

La décision de permettre ou non à un investisseur d’utiliser les terres et les ressources naturelles communautaires est l’...

Guía de capacitación para defensores y defensoras ambientales sobre el Acuerdo de Escazú

Tras décadas de esfuerzos encabezados por la sociedad civil, algunos gobiernos de la región y otros actores claves ...

The Jurisdictional Procedure of Land Mechanisms

This resource explains the procedures for securing land use rights and titles through different land mechanisms in Myanmar. The Burmese ...

Guía de organización y trabajo con promotoras y promotores jurídicos comunitarios

Este manual está concebido para servir como apoyo didáctico y para ser una guía de referencia de utilidad ...

Guide pour l’organisation et le travail avec des parajuristes communautaires

Ce manuel est conçu comme une aide à l’apprentissage et un guide de référence utile à l’intention ...

Effective Community Education Guidebook (Burmese language)

This Burmese-language resource guides paralegals in the provision of effective community education sessions.

Role of Land Ownership in Grassroot Level Environmental Protection

Myanmar is considered as one of the most vulnerable countries to experience climate change. In thinking about sustainable environment and ...

The Jurisdictional Procedure of Land Mechanisms in Myanmar (Burmese language)

This Burmese language resource explains the procedures for securing land use rights and titles through different land mechanisms in Myanmar. ...

Aspects of Customary Land Practices of Ethnic and Indigenous Communities that Should be Considered in Land Management Systems (in Burmese language)

This brief is a result of the effort of 12 paralegals and 23 justice seekers. A survey of 350 people living in Bago, ...

Fly Ash Management in India: A Critique of Existing and Proposed Frameworks

On 22nd April 2021, the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) published a Draft Fly Ash (Utilisation) Notification, which ...

The Draft EIA Notification: Comparison of the Draft EIA Notification, 2020 and the Zero Draft of the EIA Notification, 2019

In mid-2020, the High Court of Delhi ordered the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) to, among other ...

The Draft EIA Notification 2020: Reduced Regulations and Increased Exemptions Part I

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has proposed a new notification to supersede the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) ...

Os Direitos e Deveres das Pessoas Vivendo com HIV (The Rights and Responsibilities of People Living With HIV)

This brochure educates people living with HIV about their rights (including there rights to non-discrimination, confidentiality and universal anti-retroviral therapy) ...

O Direito à Informação na Saúde: O Direito de Pedir e Receber Informação (The Right to Information in the Health Sector)

This brochure educates communities about the type of information that they have a right to receive in relation to health ...

Folheto Informativo Sobre Cobranças Ilícitas (Informational Brochure on Bribery in Health Facilities)

This brochure aims to educate communities about bribery in health facilities, including how to identify and report such cases.

Carta dos Direitos e Deveres dos Utentes (Charter of Rights and Responsibilities of Users)

A Carta dos Direitos e Deveres do Utente, adoptada em 2007 pelo Ministério da Saúde (MISAU), reafirma os direitos ...

O Dever de Assegurar a Privacidade nas Unidades Sanitárias (The Obligation to Ensure Privacy in Health Facilities)

Um folheto para os trabalhadores de saúde que se concentra em estratégias concretas para assegurar a privacidade nas ...

Justicia de Género Durante y Más Allá de la Crisis de la COVID-19: Respuestas institucionales a la violencia de género y el rol de los grupos de empoderamiento jurídico

Las medidas adoptadas para contener la pandemia de la COVID-19 condujeron a un aumento de la violencia de género ...