Youth Voice International
Gampola, Sri Lanka
Joined August 2018
The Youth Voice international is an international NGO working in Sri Lanka with Civil Society Organization CSO Network to find solutions to main focuses on poverty and related injustice rights
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Education, Generalist Legal Services, Livelihoods
The Youth Voice International is a Non Profit, non governmental, non Political a registered an Rights Organization actively engaged in the protection and promotion of human rights within the State of Central, Sri Lanka since 2008, working particularly among the Youth, women, children and disabled. It has been engaged for monitoring of Human rights violation, Documentation, Fact-Findings, and providing legal aid to the victims and advocacy on behalf of victim to the Human rights Institutions and relevant authorities for justice. It is Incorporation Limited by Guarantee under the Companies Act 2007, Pursuant in Section 5 read with Sec.34 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. RG NO G/A/3485.
- Vision
Promote a human rights culture in society by working towards the empowerment of Youth , women, children and civil society and law enforcement agencies through education and awareness and protecting , women Rights , child Human rights through legal intervention.
Empowerment of the marginalized, especially Minority the vulnerable, Marginalized sections of the society to enable them realize their rights through collective action in Central and northern part of Sri Lanka, starting from the grass root level.
To provide a better future for the marginalized and vulnerable sections of Sri Lanka society. Youth Voice aims to empower Plantation Women Community , children, disables etc to enable them realize their rights through education, social and Human rights awareness by collective action.
To liberate the and the vulnerable sections of society by bringing about a structural change in their socio-economic life.
- To campaign for the dignity of the marginalized sections of Sri Lanka Through World society and To hold the state accountable for violations of human rights.
To bring awareness among the exploited lot especially those engaged in caste-based menial jobs and the bonded labor system.