VULNERABLES’ ORGANIZATION FOR LEGAL AID SERVICES (VOLAS) is a Non Profit making Non Governmental Organization with registration No 22NGO/00007191. The basic aim of the Organization is to protect and promote the rights of vulnerable people particularly women and children in the community. The rights of vulnerable people are protected by VOLAS through number of established programs namely; – LEGAL AID PROGRAM, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND PRIMARY HEALTH CARE/COMMUNITY BASED HEALTH CARE. VOLAS’ interventions are prompted by noticeable and increased abuse of rights of vulnerable people including women, Children, people living with HIV and AIDS, People with Disability and the aged people in the community. As a nature of the day, customary laws and tradition continue to put women in a very disadvantageous position socially and economically. The existing legal system, does not reach the majority of women living in rural areas. On the other hand, Children as expected good generation of today and future Tanzania, their rights as guaranteed by both international instruments and national laws are subject to violation. The current pandemic increase of HIV spread in most of communities impacted negatively to children as far as the right of education is concerned. Of today Chato District is facing the problem of albino Killings which has taken space in the whole of Tanzania. . After learning such situation VOLAS is intervening in following ways; it conducts Professional legal support to women and children whose rights are likely to lose. We conduct legal clinic all working days where we provide legal counseling, advice, draft petitions and necessary court documents. This assistance empowers the beneficiaries to defend themselves through legal empowerment. Of all VOLAS conducts outreach programs where reaches poor people who cannot reach and access legal services because of being far from those services.