Uttaran is the pioneer leading national organization to promote rights for landless people. Uttaran could organize a movement with the landless people to claim and establish their right to khasland. Uttaran is capable both financially and technically to deal with both duty-bearers (i.e., government officials) and right-holders (i.e., landless) of southwest region. As the people’s organizations were taking shape and increasing day by day, the group members were trained with legal literacy, community mobilization, leadership, small business development and sustainable organization management. Uttaran also organized civil society members of different professions so that they could create pressure on the government duty-bearers to respond to the demand of landless people. Among others the representative of local government (e.i, Chairmen and members of Union Parishads) also joined the civil society groups. Uttaran led civil society groups of landless people’s organizations identified lands under the khas category and claimed this land from officials of district and upazila administrations.