Transparency International Zimbabwe (TI – Z) is a non- profit, non- partisan, systems oriented local chapter of the international movement against corruption. Its broad mandate is to fight corruption and related vices through networks of integrity in line with the Global Strategy. TI – Z believes corruption can only be sufficiently tackled by all citizens including people at grass root level. International Anti-Corruption Day – Put a stop to bribery and corruption or risk leading business down the path of destruction (12th December 2015)
International Anti-corruption day commemorations mark a global commitment from countries to fight against corruption. This commitment is usually premised on increased awareness that includes, but is not limited to, roadshows, public marches and press releases that act as a pledge in fighting against corruption. This years’ theme focuses on the business community. A theatre production is envisioned, responding to the concerns of people in their everyday life.
This year’s international anti-corruption day commemorations are set to involve various stakeholders to partake and add their voice in the anti-corruption movement. As part of the production, business community and other stakeholders including citizens, civic society organisations (CSOs) will be invited to participate in this event. As part of the programme of the day, TI-Z will create a platform for various sectors to share out solidarity messages in honour of the day. The main objectives are
To build consensus and a movement of citizens, business community and citizens towards the anti-corruption day
Strengthened Capacity and participation of stakeholders (women and men) in the anti-corruption activism