The Omari Project will provide preventative interventions to improve PWUD (and their family’s) lives within a legitimizing framework. This will be done through the following activities:
TOP has a HTS centre, one rehabilitation centres that have largely promoted the recovery of addicts in Malindi and the Coast Province in general. The organization is one the few organizations that have a facility for female addicts, hence the proposed program will easily fit in the existing model
TOP started an outreach program from 2006 through United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and Academy for Educational Development (AED). TOP was selected by the USAID-funded Capable Partners (CAP) Kenya through a competitive selection process in 2006 and a Grant Agreement was executed with this organization in February 2007. TOP addresses the problem of drug users through an integrated program that has three main components: Treatment and rehabilitation of drug users, including community based follow up A drop in centre with outreach activities that implement harm reduction and prevention strategies, Advocacy to create stakeholders’ awareness of the problems of drug use and its associated high incidences of HIV and AIDS. TOP’s approaches vulnerable groups including new drug users, smoking, former drug injectors, prisoners with a history of drug use, and commercial sex workers. CAP Kenya focuses on specific interventions, including: HIV risk reduction education/counseling for substance abusers HIV testing for substance abusers and their spouses/sexual partners Provision of condoms to drug/alcohol abusers and their sexual partners Post-test care and support services, including palliative care for HIV + substance abusers Outpatient addictions treatment services for drug and alcohol abusers Training of outreach workers and VCT counselors on STI’s, and Tuberculosis (TB) screening Referral and /or accompaniment of drug and alcohol abusers for viral hepatitis tests.