
Center of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

Taiz, Yemen
Joined January 2019

keeping the human dignity, completing construction the equality and the justice society, law dominance, protecting public freedoms, citizens' rights in the atmosphere of fraternity and forgiveness

Presence in: Yemen
Focus: Citizenship & Identification, Criminal Justice, Education, Environmental Justice, Gender-based violence, Generalist Legal Services, Governance, Accountability & Transparency, Livelihoods, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Women's Rights

International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Center
This vision is focused on achieving human dignity, completing the construction of a society based on justice, equality, and the rule of law, preserving human dignity, and protecting public freedoms and citizens’ rights in an atmosphere of brotherhood and tolerance without any discrimination.

A non-profit civil volunteer organization operating with complete neutrality and licensed under ministerial license number (128) since 2006.

The organization aims to raise awareness and provide training on international humanitarian law and human rights conventions, promote their culture, monitor their conditions, offer legal advice and assistance to those in need, complete the construction of a society based on justice, equality, and the rule of law, promote a culture of peace and love, provide humanitarian assistance during disasters and wars, prepare studies and research, conduct seminars and training courses, and cooperate with Arab and international organizations.

Objectives of the Center:

1- Raise awareness and provide training on international humanitarian law agreements and treaties, including related protocols and the Rome Statute.
2-Promote awareness of agreements related to children’s rights and educate about their rights.
3-Support women’s issues, raise awareness of their rights, and combat discrimination and violence against them.
4-Provide awareness and training on the principles and concepts of fundamental human rights treaties.
5-Foster young leadership to contribute to building and enhancing peace and promote cultural integration among civilizations.
6-Introduce and prepare international agreements related to the rights of refugees .
8-Contribute to humanitarian and relief efforts during natural disasters and wars.
9- Enhance opportunities for peace, reject cultures of violence and hatred,
10- Work to protect and promote the right to a healthy environment, preserve it