Tanzania Voice of Humanity is registered as a Non Governmental Organization under the Non
Governmental Organizations Act, No. 24 of 2002. Organization was registered at 22/10/2020
with registration number 00NGO/R/1430, Address P. O. BOX 62730, Head office located at
Kitunda Relini street,Ilala Municipal , Dar Es Salaam operating Tanzania mainland.
First Chairperson Organization is Baby John Musamba humble and motivated person who spoke
loud what happen to her life and make it open to the public by announce that belong to the
people with disabilities which is invisible.
This Organization Purposed for People with disabilities include infants, children and adult with
specific people who” do not fit the typical definition for male and female bodies internal or
external or both, where reproductive organs is not well developed due to inborn malformation.
Made them not well fit to be called male or female this specifically deal ambiguous genitalia we
call it Disorder/Differential of Sex Development(DSD).
The formation of this Organization was inspired by other factors due unavailability of sufficient
Information, needs and challenges faced by people with this kind of disabilities of not fit to
be male or female and lack of awareness among the community about existence of this group.
According to simple research we have conduct we have found community to discus about this
impairment is not good manner, some thought as curse.
Herethere is lot of work needed to be done with community in term of awareness, since this kind of
Disability is not well known even to the medical personnel then Organization have starting
Initiating corporation with Muhimbili National Referral Hospital, Ministry of Health of Tanzania
and other stakeholder.