The Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan (SFK) aims to create conditions in the Kyrgyz Republic for an open society by supporting the development of public institutions and initiatives in all spheres of public life. An open society means: freedom and diversity of opinion in all spheres of life, development of the rule of law and the opportunity for all members of society to equally participate in development processes. The Foundation began its activity in the country in 1993 and was officially registered with the Ministry of Justice of the KR in late 1995.
Since beginning of its activity the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan has been consistently continuing to support civic initiatives in various areas such as legal, educational and economic reforms, media support, NGOs and academia and promoting initiatives in the area of public policy, health and culture. To finance these initiatives SFK has awarded more than USD 79 million in non-repayable grants.
Currently, the Foundation is working in areas of legal and educational reforms, media support, public health, civic engagement, information and support to policy development.
The Foundation’s work is governed by the strategic resolutions and recommendations of the SFK Supervisory Board and the Open Society Foundations, and is implemented in close cooperation with partners from government institutions, NGOs, and international organizations.