Somali Women Empowerment Organization (SWEO)
Mogadishu, Somalia
Joined January 2023
We are considered as the main supporter and advocate for women's right and status. According to our rich experience, we have developed a deep insight into the problems facing Somali women.
Focus: Community / Customary Land Rights, Community Organizing, Community Paralegals, Criminal Justice, Disability Rights, Education, Environmental Justice, Family, Financial Sustainability & Fundraising, Gender-based violence, Health, Labor & Employment, Peace-building & Transitional Justice, Women's Rights
Somali Women Empowerment Organization (S.W.E.O) is a nongovernmental, voluntary and independent organization. Established in June 2010 in Afgoi-Somalia-South central Regions of Somalia.
The main goal of S.W.E.O. is to consolidate women’s roles and capabilities in the Somali community through enhancing their social, political, economic and cultural participation. S.W.E.O conducts trainings, Micro-Credit, seminars, conferences and Domestic-workshops that foster an exchange of information and experience among national, regional and international human rights movements.