Social Care Volunteer Group (SCVG) was founded by 7 young social activists in Magway, Myanmar. Social Care Volunteer Group (SCVG) is a principle-based, non-profit, non-religious, non-partisan and non-ethnical civil society organization based in Magway, Myanmar. SCVG has been approved and granted the registration at the regional level (registration no. 2/ Magway/ 0006).
Since its founding period, SCVG has convened range of activities such as youth capacity building, health education and promoting HIV/AIDS awareness sessions both in Magway and surrounding rural areas. In 2009, with the support of MTV/Staying Alive Foundation, SCVG carried out a project on “Promoting awareness on HIV/AIDS and Preventing incidence of HIV/AIDS among In-school youths in Magway”. By this time, SCVG has been carrying out different projects comprising children rights and governance, child protection, rule of law and access to justice, supporting healthy school technologies and materials for adolescent age, youth capacity building, disaster management, gender sensitivity health services, etc.
During eleven years period of 2007 to 2018, SCVG was able to reach 396 villages under 17 township of Magway region which brings long term benefit for estimated population of 87,449 by undertaking total 19 projects which in combined total accumulative investments of 603,851,477 MMK.
Thematic Programs for children & youth;