Shirkat Gah (SG) works as a resource centre for advocacy, capacity building, knowledge production and dissemination, SG partners with civil society actors and government institutions to bring about more inclusive democratic societies. SG is a member of multiple government committees for policy making and
implementation. SG has contributed to national, regional and international agenda setting processes.
SG’s core competencies are:
* Advocating for the formulation and implementation of gender-responsive laws, policies, and practices
* Building the knowledge base, skills & capacities of women & girls to claim their entitlement to rights, quality services & resources
* Generating cutting-edge knowledge for advancing women’s rights and democratic governance
* Strengthening grassroots organizing, local-to-global solidarity and actions to tackle social exclusion, discrimination & vulnerability
* Engaging governments, male allies, media, researchers, rights organizations and others to be responsive to a feminist change agenda
* Creating innovative approaches to increase women’s participation and decision-making in families, communities and governance systems
* Supporting the government of Pakistan to meet national & international obligations
Areas of focus are:
Bodily Integrity: Combat all forms of gender-based violence, including child, early-age and forced marriages; promote decision-making,
especially with regards to reproductive health and personal status law
Representational Government: Multiply and amplify voices for gender equality at all levels; enhance women’s participation and decision-making
in political and public processes
Conducive Gender-Equality Policy Environment: Promote appropriate national laws/policies and compliance with selected international human
rights and development commitments
Feminist Agenda Setting: Deepen feminist analysis; promote insights in national and transnational discourses